The Opinions of One Man

All comments are welcome on anything posted here and as long as they are "NOT"; SPAM, vulgar,hateful to any person or group, sexual or racist they will be posted. Please bookmark my Blog and return often for new articles and up-dates.

My Photo
Location: Leetonia, Ohio, United States

I was born in a small village in Ohio back in 1951. Our little village had less than 2000 residents, but did have a wide variety of national origins and religions. However everyone in town knew everyone and crime was nonexistant except for when the town police had to hold a drunkard over night. Back in the fifties this little town had just two streets east & west and two streets north & south one block apart as the downtown area and that is the way it is still today. So you tell me where the 115 bars were located that are on the books for businesses during the pre-fifties era. The village still has just over 2000 residents and the crime rate consists of juvenile pety-crimes and the ominous drunkard. Fewer people know each other now adays but everyone talks about you as if they knew you like family. I have started to add to my bio by placing up-dates in the article section here from time to time.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


It seems that even with my posting the "BLOG RULES" on posting your comments to my articles once again I am forced to point out those rules. Someone with the user name of "Askinstoo" posted eight comments to just three of my latest articles and I was forced to "REJECT" all eight of his comments since everyone was exactly the same word for word and they were just as follows; "Very nice, then he/she went into a three line ad for his/her own business efforts. Just in case you do not see it Askinstoo this is SPAM and that is not wanted or tolerated here. As I have said in a previous post if you want to advertise on my blog either "pay me directly" or pay Google to place your ads here. This is "NOT" a "FREE" advertising blog. So stop being cheap and most of all LAZY and find another way to advertise what you do because I WILL NEVER post your ads unless you pay me to do that.

Until The Next time then, have a wonderful day! May You & Yours Be Blessed Always!!

Well some people are just far to "STUPID" for this world and the rules they should follow. Today is 4/15/06 and this moron Askinstoo has made an attempt to post four more "SPAM" comments to just two of my articles, he just does not get it. WHAT A MORON!!!!